A First-Time Boat Buyer’s Experience in Spain


In this case study, we will discuss how we helped a couple who had little knowledge of the Spanish boat market find the perfect boat for their needs.


Client Background

The clients were a couple who were interested in purchasing a boat in Spain. They had little knowledge of the Spanish boat market and were unsure where to begin their search. They wanted a boat that was suitable for family use and could be used for both day trips and overnight stays.


Assistance Provided

Boat in Spain was contacted by the couple to assist them in purchasing a boat. We began by discussing their requirements and budget to narrow down their options.

We provided the couple with a list of available boats that met their requirements and budget and arranged for them to view the boats in person. We accompanied the couple during the viewings to answer any questions they had and provide expert advice on the best boats for their needs.

Once the couple had selected a boat, we began the process of negotiating the purchase price and ensuring that all legalities were taken care of. This included registering the boat, paying the necessary taxes, and ensuring that all necessary documentation was in order.


Boat Selection

One of the key considerations for the couple was finding a boat that was suitable for family use and could be used for both day trips and overnight stays. We provided the couple with advice on the best type of boats to purchase based on their requirements.

We recommended a motor cruiser that was spacious, comfortable, and had enough accommodation for overnight stays. This type of boat was also suitable for family use and could be easily operated by the couple.


Maintenance and Management

We also provided the couple with recommendations for maintenance and crew management. We recommended a reputable boat maintenance company that could provide regular maintenance checks and repairs when necessary. We also provided the couple with advice on crew management, including how to find a reliable captain and crew for their boat.



With the assistance of Boat in Spain, the couple was able to purchase the perfect boat for their needs. Our expert guidance helped the couple navigate the complex process of purchasing a boat in Spain, and our connections with reputable boat dealers ensured that they received the best possible price for their boat.

The couple was able to enjoy their new boat with confidence, knowing that they had received expert advice on maintenance and crew management. They will also be able to create lasting memories with their family on the water.



Purchasing a boat in a foreign country can be a daunting task, especially for those with little knowledge of the market. However, with the assistance of Boat in Spain, the couple was able to navigate the process with ease. We provided guidance throughout the entire process and ensured that the couple was satisfied with their purchase. Our connections with reputable boat dealers also helped the couple to save money and purchase the perfect boat for their needs.